Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

No data transmission over the internet is 100% secure. While we strive to protect your information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of such information.

What information do we collect?
Information you provide

When you create an account on the Bozone Orgs website, sign up to receive Bozone Orgs email listserve messages, or register on this website in general, you voluntarily provide Bozone Orgs with personal information (such as name and email address). We may use this information for specific, limited purposes that are outlined below. You may opt-out of list serve messages, either now or at any time in the future if you do not wish to receive our messages.

IP addresses

Bozone Orgs uses your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer websites, tailor content to your location, and for metrics used to track website visitor traffic.


Bozone Orgs website uses cookies to automatically help provide better services. They remind us who you are and your preferences for our website based on what you’ve done and told us before. The cookie is placed in your computer and is read when you come back to our website. Cookies let us take you to the information and features you’re subscribed to. They also let us track your usage of the Bozone Orgs website, so we know which parts of our sites are most popular. You can reject cookies or cancel them by instructing your web browser accordingly.

Email Communications

Bozone Orgs consists of 6 email address channels, each of which may be subscribed to independently ( with the exception of the core-enviro channel ).

Announcements about Bozone Orgs may also be sent by the list administrator to all registered users, regardless of subscriptions status to any particular channel.
Bozone Orgs email list is committed to privacy and the uniqueness of the humanity of each and everyone of its users and subscribers. In NO WAY will any user registered data be sold, shared, exchanged, given away, bartered, or left on the side of a dusty road in central Montana to blow away.

Bozone Orgs does not provide, sell, or rent email addresses or other communications data to anyone outside the organization for any price at any time. Period.

You can unsubscribe or update your email preferences any time from the link included at the bottom of every email, or by contacting us ( ).


SSL Encryption

Information flowing to and from Bozone Orgs, its API providers, and its users is secured by industry-standard SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption. We encrypt all traffic to our sites, including anything you submit through your Bozone Orgs user profile, and all sponsorship payments through our cart or payment procdssing systems.

External Links

Posts on Bozone Orgs may include links to external websites. These links do not fall under our domains, and therefore Bozone Orgs is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of external websites. Your use of any linked website is solely at your own risk.

Your responsibility to speak respectfully and to protect privacy

By using Bozone Orgs websites and apps, you agree to protect the privacy of others by keeping their information private. For example, do not share email addresses and phone numbers listed in email communications with those outside the Bozone Orgs, and please review and adhere to the community guidelines.

Violation of the list guidelines may result in suspension, revocation, unsubscription, blockage, or general banishment of the offending user, at the sole discrimination of the list administrator.

Information in your footer such as signature, tagline, address, or phone number may be included in your emails will be distributed broadly across many hundreds or thousands of email addresses. Do not share any info which you do not want widely disseminated.


We may amend this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes will be reflected on this page; please review it periodically. Your continued use of Bozone Orgs will be deemed to be your agreement to the changed terms.